Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
Laboratory in Research Methods (Princeton University, Fall 2020)
Teaching Assistantship (Brown University)
Multivariate Statistics (graduate level) (spring 2015) Guest lecture: Principal Components Analysis.
Quantitative Methods in Psychology (fall 2014) Guest lecture: Linear Regression.
Social Psychology (spring, 2014; summer 2013) Guest lecture: Self-Enhancement, Self-Positivity, and Egocentrism.
Laboratory in Personality and Clinical Assessment (fall 2013) Sections held: Weekly lab sections held for data analysis.
Laboratory in Social Cognition (spring 2013) Guest lectures: Measuring Self-Enhancement; Normative Self-Enhancement Bias. Sections held: Weekly lab sections held for data analysis and write-ups.
Quantitative Methods in Psychology (fall 2012) Guest lectures: The Sampling Distribution; Correlation & Covariance; The Correlation Coefficient.
Tutoring (Willamette University)
Research Methods and Statistics I & II (4 semesters)
Introduction to Psychology (3 semesters)
Laboratory in Research Methods (Princeton University, Fall 2020)
- An introductory undergraduate laboratory course as part of Princeton's Statistics and Methods in Psychology sequence.
- An upper-division course for Psychology and Cognitive Science concentrators. 50/50 lecture & discussion.
- An advanced seminar for Psychology majors. Course structured around presenting and discussing challenging peer-reviewed journal articles in social Psychology.
- An introductory course in game theory, decision making, and social psychology.
Teaching Assistantship (Brown University)
Multivariate Statistics (graduate level) (spring 2015) Guest lecture: Principal Components Analysis.
Quantitative Methods in Psychology (fall 2014) Guest lecture: Linear Regression.
Social Psychology (spring, 2014; summer 2013) Guest lecture: Self-Enhancement, Self-Positivity, and Egocentrism.
Laboratory in Personality and Clinical Assessment (fall 2013) Sections held: Weekly lab sections held for data analysis.
Laboratory in Social Cognition (spring 2013) Guest lectures: Measuring Self-Enhancement; Normative Self-Enhancement Bias. Sections held: Weekly lab sections held for data analysis and write-ups.
Quantitative Methods in Psychology (fall 2012) Guest lectures: The Sampling Distribution; Correlation & Covariance; The Correlation Coefficient.
Tutoring (Willamette University)
Research Methods and Statistics I & II (4 semesters)
Introduction to Psychology (3 semesters)
Teaching Competencies
Introduction to Psychology
Social Psychology
Personality Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Statistics in Psychology
Experimental Methods & Design
Social Cognition
Laboratory in Social/Personality/Cognitive Psychology
Intermediate Statistics in Psychology
Health Psychology
Advanced Topics & Seminars
Social Judgment and Decision Making
Game Theory in Psychology/Social Dilemmas
Psychology of Happiness/Positive Psychology
Psychology of Creativity
Moral Psychology
Psychology of Business and Negotiation
The Social Self
Introduction to Psychology
Social Psychology
Personality Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Statistics in Psychology
Experimental Methods & Design
Social Cognition
Laboratory in Social/Personality/Cognitive Psychology
Intermediate Statistics in Psychology
Health Psychology
Advanced Topics & Seminars
Social Judgment and Decision Making
Game Theory in Psychology/Social Dilemmas
Psychology of Happiness/Positive Psychology
Psychology of Creativity
Moral Psychology
Psychology of Business and Negotiation
The Social Self
Training & Development
Deans' Faculty Fellowship
Brown University Graduate School
This program involved designing a faculty-mentored seminar course to be taught at Brown University. In Spring (2017), I served as instructor for this class and received excellent student evaluations.
Certificate Programs in Teaching Development
The Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning (Brown University)
Certificate I – Reflective Teaching (2012/2013)
This seminar develops reflective teaching practice through a series of readings, lectures, and interactive workshops. Topics include syllabus and course design, styles of student learning, constructing and measuring learning goals, assessment and student evaluation, and persuasive communication. Each participant is also asked to watch and reflect upon a video recording of a class they taught. This recording and the teacher’s self-reflection are evaluated by teaching consultants from the Sheridan Center.
Certificate II - The Course Design Seminar: Principles and Practice (2013/2014)
Over the course of the academic year, certificate participants design a course and construct a syllabus. Specific workshop topics include constructing and measuring learning goals, designing and delivering a single class session, facilitating discussion, delivering lectures, student evaluation, and syllabus design.
Certificate III – The Professional Development Seminar (2014/2015)
During this seminar, participants construct a professional teaching portfolio, statement of research interests, and CV over multiple rounds of peer review. This certificate program emphasizes clear communication in teaching, research, and interview settings.
Certificate V – Principles and Practice in Reflective Mentorship (2014/2015)
Participants in this selective grant program mentor an undergraduate student through a full research project funded by the Sheridan Center. The goal of this program is to provide both a.) research experience to young scientists and b.) professional mentorship training to graduate students pursuing positions in higher education. In monthly workshop sessions, Brown University faculty members present on topics in mentorship including effective communication, mentor/mentee relationships, academic advising, and work/life balance.
Brown University Graduate School
This program involved designing a faculty-mentored seminar course to be taught at Brown University. In Spring (2017), I served as instructor for this class and received excellent student evaluations.
Certificate Programs in Teaching Development
The Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning (Brown University)
Certificate I – Reflective Teaching (2012/2013)
This seminar develops reflective teaching practice through a series of readings, lectures, and interactive workshops. Topics include syllabus and course design, styles of student learning, constructing and measuring learning goals, assessment and student evaluation, and persuasive communication. Each participant is also asked to watch and reflect upon a video recording of a class they taught. This recording and the teacher’s self-reflection are evaluated by teaching consultants from the Sheridan Center.
Certificate II - The Course Design Seminar: Principles and Practice (2013/2014)
Over the course of the academic year, certificate participants design a course and construct a syllabus. Specific workshop topics include constructing and measuring learning goals, designing and delivering a single class session, facilitating discussion, delivering lectures, student evaluation, and syllabus design.
Certificate III – The Professional Development Seminar (2014/2015)
During this seminar, participants construct a professional teaching portfolio, statement of research interests, and CV over multiple rounds of peer review. This certificate program emphasizes clear communication in teaching, research, and interview settings.
Certificate V – Principles and Practice in Reflective Mentorship (2014/2015)
Participants in this selective grant program mentor an undergraduate student through a full research project funded by the Sheridan Center. The goal of this program is to provide both a.) research experience to young scientists and b.) professional mentorship training to graduate students pursuing positions in higher education. In monthly workshop sessions, Brown University faculty members present on topics in mentorship including effective communication, mentor/mentee relationships, academic advising, and work/life balance.